Messages from the Co-Organisers

ASME President_Ang Yuit
Mr. Ang Yuit
Association of Small & Medium Enterprises

Our EYA 2023/24 winners exemplify resilience and innovation in today’s challenging business landscape. Their dedication to overcoming obstacles and pushing boundaries is truly inspirational, serving as a commendable example for all entrepreneurs.

These outstanding businesses have not only navigated through economic uncertainties and market fluctuations but have also demonstrated remarkable adaptability and creativity. Their
innovative solutions and forward-thinking strategies have enabled them to be where they are today.

At ASME, we’re thrilled to witness the evolution of local businesses as they continuously explore new ideas and approaches. This spirit of relentless pursuit for excellence and willingness to try new things is what drives growth and success. We are excited to see how these businesses will continue to foster a culture of innovation and resilience that will shape the future of our business community. Finally, we are pleased to observe more SMEs recognizing the importance of ESG strategies, with an increasing number integrating them into their operations.

Congratulations once again to all our winners. Your hard work and visionary leadership have truly made a difference, and we look forward to seeing your continued success.

Dr Chan Siew Luen-Profile
Dr. Chan Siew Luen
Rotary Club of Singapore

Congratulations to all our winners in this year’s Rotary Club of Singapore- Association of Small & Medium Enterprises Entrepreneur (RCS-ASME) of the Year Award 2024.

Entrepreneurs are the architects of change, crafting solutions to address pressing needs, enrich lives, and empower communities. They spark economic vitality, creating jobs, fostering growth, and igniting the flames of prosperity. With each venture launched, they weave the fabric of a vibrant and dynamic economy.

Unique to the RCS-ASME award is the element of social service. Entrepreneurship and social service are not just complementary; they are intricately intertwined, each enriching and empowering the other in profound ways. At their essence, both endeavors share a common goal: to create positive change and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities. Companies founded by entrepreneurs like Cornelius Vanderbilt (railroads), Gustavus Swift (meatpacking), and Bill Gates (Microsoft) created thousands of jobs, improved access to goods and services, and raised overall standards of living, thereby positively impacting society.

Entrepreneurship, with its focus on innovation and problem-solving, provides a powerful platform for addressing social challenges. By identifying unmet needs and inefficiencies,
entrepreneurs can develop sustainable solutions that generate social value while also fostering economic growth. Whether it’s providing access to clean water, improving healthcare delivery, or advancing education, entrepreneurial ventures have the potential
to catalyze transformative impact on a large scale.

We look forward to seeing our winners go on to create positive and lasting change in society through their entrepreneurial endeavours.

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